Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Free Range Counseling and Yoga is a community-based holistic counseling and yoga center focused on bringing balance back in out clients' lives.  Clients are adults, teens and children who feel they need a different perspective and assistance with rediscovering their lives, their loves and their passions.  Counseling and yoga can benefit clients who have endured a traumatic experience and need additional physical interventions to find resolution.  I approach every aspect of my client's life circumstances with honesty, humor and acceptance.  My goal is promoting personal and interpersonal growth, and supporting my clients' through life's ups and downs.  For more information, please watch the video on this page.

WHY Yoga?

Yoga’s physical postures promote healthy, flexible bodies and often provide relief from pain. The class is so gentle that veterans, many of whom have other health conditions or serious physical limitations, find the postures comfortable and easy to do.

Yoga directly addresses the fight-or-flight response, which is at the heart of PTSD. The fight-or-flight response is a reaction that prepares the body to fight or flee from perceived threat. Because yoga deals directly with the mind-body connection, it helps veterans retrain the fight-or-flight response. Now, when they confront a situation that triggers their memories, instead of resorting to aggression or drowning in fear, they have other options: deep breathing, for example, as a means to self-calm. Other benefits include:

  • The release of emotional issues.

  • Help towards relaxing and strengthening the body.

  • Unfreezing bad memories and creating new bodily memories.

  • Giving feelings of joy and personal empowerment.

  • The mind becomes more clear and open.

  • It produces acceptance of the self.

  • Life feels better balanced.

  • It allows one to safely express stored emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, sadness and grief so those feelings can be understood and integrated.

  • A regular yoga practice helps alleviate symptoms of PTS including anger, anxiety, depression, guilt and paranoia.

Practice Schedule

I welcome anyone who would like to join me in yoga practice.  Please contact me to reserve your spot in class.  You are welcome to show up at the schedule class time, but we can't guarantee your spot.  I also have a signup sheet available in the office.

For more information on the practice schedule, please contact me.

About Me

I have been practicing yoga for 8 years, and teaching for 3. Yoga came into my life while I was working at a very difficult and mentally exhaustive job. I was looking for a way to find peace and balance in my life, while continuing to work on my physical self. I was a dancer my whole life, so yoga seemed like a very natural fit. I love the practice of yoga because it is challenging and introspective and a great way to turn off the busy outside world. I received my teacher training with Malia Scott and Chrispy Bhaghat Singh at Say Om Yoga through the e3 Vinyasa 200 hour teacher training. My ultimate goal is to bring the practice of yoga, the practice that has brought me so much joy, to our veterans.